我:i would like to apply 2 more 3G service for my company.
他:do you have any authorisation letter? we do not give out application form. can you have a seat? (申請表格是很珍貴的,鬼知道要將多東西)
我:so i need to get all the authorisation letters and photocopied company form to come here? (我就走去坐下,一邊搖頭)
我:where should i queue? there is no body in the counter?
他:oh sorry sorry, can you have a seat since there is no body there.
菜鳥:we are sorry we do not give out any application form but you need to bring the documents to the service centre.
我:i don't know what kind of documents that i need to prepare could you write me a list? (菜鳥去拿了一張申請表格然後解說,之前說不給現在又有了一張,真奇怪的公司)
他:sir, you need to prepare form ... ... ...
我(已經很不耐煩了):i do not know which are those documents that i need to prepare, could you please help me to tick? and do i need to have authorisation letter?
他:yes you need the authorisation letter for company application.
我:can you write down for me as well ?
等他們寫好,我拿了申請表格,趕快離開不歡迎人的地方... 這已經是n次了... digi的快點出來啦...