最近幫某人裝了Ubuntu 8.10後,vmware workstation 6.0.2就不能用了,試了幾個solutions還是一樣,開不到之前的virtual windows,心灰意冷下去下載了vmware workstaion 6.5.0來安裝,結果由於之前的一些問題連累到6.5.0不能開啟之前的virtual windows,唯有從新灌過8.10然後安裝6.5.0,直接開啟之前的virtual windows就能了.真的希望這些科技公司能推出兼融性比較好的產品,不然會浪費大家很多的時間.或者google的android能帶給大家一個除了視窗還有蘋果以外的新希望.
Ubuntu as a VMware host
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How to unblock websites on your iPhone with Surfshark VPN
From a potential TikTok ban to blocked content, it has never been more
important to take back control of the web with Surfshark VPN for Mac and
iPhone to u...
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