1. 首先安裝相關軟件,sudo apt-get install gallery2 php5-gd dcraw ffmpeg imagemagick zip libgd2-xpm jhead libjpeg-progs
2. 然後把/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini裡面的memory_limit提高去32M
sudo gedit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
memory_limit = 32M
3. 在來加上http:///localhost/alias
sudo gedit /etc/apache2/conf.d/gallery2
把在#Alias /gallery2 /usr/share/gallery2的#符號拿掉
4. 重新啟動apache
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
5. gallery2的installation可以在http://localhost/gallery2開啟
6. 由於gallery2需要database,mysql是比較普遍的選擇,在step 5的時候如果沒有database的話是不呢能安裝的,所以要去phpmyadmin拿裡或mysql那裡create gallery2的database先.
7.如果step 5能過基本上就沒有問題了,但是會有blank page的問題,如果是blank page的話可以做以下的步驟
sudo rm /usr/share/gallery2/lib/smarty
sudo ln -s /usr/share/php/smarty /usr/share/gallery2/lib/smarty
Brazil gives Apple 90 days to enable third-party app marketplaces on iOS
Apple has been forced to enable sideloading for iPhone users in Brazil
within the next three months or face daily fines for non-compliance.
[image: Blue ro...
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