大年初五,天空還是灰蒙蒙,亞庇下了三天的雨,去了國民登記局換把壞的身份證換了,就到西加麥找就同學小張,在英國的他瘦了很多,跟中學時期差別很大,不是平常有聯絡的話恐怕單憑相片是認不出了,市區開始多車了,找不到泊車位唯有選擇到新開的warisan square去喝杯茶敘舊,剛好益南在那里開年,我們也去湊湊熱鬧,好讓自己那顆童心不滅 ;)
Crime blotter: Selfies found in iCloud helped nab gang accused of
burglarizing prominent athletes
Selfies on iCloud help capture a gang behind a series of burglaries, iPad
thefts, and a UK crime spree make up this week's Apple Crime Blotter.
[image: Man...
1 小時前
1 則留言:
blue lion..nice!! ;) unique one!